La Poe (Let's All Protect Our Environment) - vintage, used (or reclaimed) purses as a way of recycling our resources. Purses sold through La Poe include a message of environmental consciousness and will include a small pouch of plant seed to encourage replenishment for our earth.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Scaling Back Is The Key

This might sound crazy coming from me, but I want a movement to form, banning "Black Fridays." It is this crazy manipulation we buy into, pushed by both television media and retailers alike. Yes sure, they have to make some money because they've been counting on a frenzy all year. But suppose we decide to take control of our finances once and for all and decide that Christmas is not about spending until you vomit. Say we redefine Christmas as a deeper and personal time of year. We all say that we know the meaning, but then we go out and max out our cards, indulge our spoiled and ungrateful children,and give "stuff" to people, not knowing if they're actually going to use it or not.

Don't mistake what I'm saying. I'm all about giving too, it's just that I believe scaling back is the key to true appreciation of the gifts we both give and receive.

Re: Fashion Show

Oh yes! We mean business! We are moving forward on the fashion show idea and we're currently looking for a venue to showcase. The tentative date for the show is February 7th. Stay tuned for details at

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